This is an abridged version of the annual report and sustainable 2012 to see the full version,
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Corporate citizenship

Consistent with our purpose to eradicate financial exclusion, since our inception we have been given the task to communicate, share and show our business practices. The dissemination of this knowledge and experience are factors to boost growth of the sector and thus to accelerate the achievement of our vision, the generation of development opportunities for the base of the pyramid. Since 2010 we belong to the Circle of Corporate Governance Companies of Latin American Roundtable, which was founded in 2005 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Financial Corporation (IFC). From this platform we promote good corporate governance practices in the region.

Similarly, encourage the healthy development of the sector with our active participation in forums, conferences, lectures and associations nationally or internationally, where policies are presented and analyzed public progress and problems of all kinds.

Main associations to which we belong


A Favor de lo Mejor, A.C.

Asociación de Bancos de México, A.C. (ABM)

Asociación Mexicana de Comunicadores, A.C. (AMCO)

Asociación Mexicana de Directores de Recursos Humanos, A.C. (AMEDIRH)

Asociación Mexicana de Relación con Inversionistas, A.C. (AMERI)

Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana, S.P. (COPARMEX)

Consejo de la Comunicación, A.C.

Microfinance Information Exchange Mix Market

Micro Finance Network

Prodesarrollo Finanzas y Microempresa, A.C.


Unión de Instituciones Financieras Mexicanas (UNIFIM)

Unión Social de Empresarios de México, A.C. (USEM)

Foro Económico Mundial (World Economic Forum)


We adhere to the rules of the Super Municipality of Banking and Insurance (SBS), the Corporations Act, the Banking Act of Peru and the Superintendency of Securities Market (SMD) of the country, in addition to the Central Reserve Bank (BCR ).

ASOMIF: Asociación de Instituciones de Microfinanzas del Perú


Being established as corporations, the following laws apply to us in general: Commercial Code, Civil, Civil Litigation, Notary and Tax and Labor Laws in Guatemala.