Education, training and skills development programs

We have two major programs to support our employees’ development within and outside the Group. The first of these training programs seek to develop technical-operational, administrative and human leadership skills to help employees succeed on the job while the second program offers employees a variety of courses, workshops and events to support their personal, emotional and family growth.

To close this virtuous circle of growth, 100% of our employees receive an annual evaluation and feedback of their work through a skills evaluation complemented by organizational climate studies that allow us to align our employees’ interests with the Group's strategy and corporate objectives.

The corporate induction and money laundering prevention courses, and the Code of Ethics and Conduct certification are mandatory for all staff members. These provide employees with the tools they need to become part of their corporate culture and allow us to guarantee that they know, understand and are committed to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and the laws and principles that govern our business.


En 2011 solo se impartía a Gerentes de OS, a partir de 2012 también se imparte a áreas de servicio. Los cursos de inducción a la empresa, prevención del lavado de dinero y la certificación en el Código de Ética y Conducta, son de carácter obligatorio para todo el personal. Estos le brindan al colaborador herramientas para integrarse a la cultura corporativa de su empresa y nos permite asegurarnos del conocimiento, la comprensión y el compromiso con el Código de Ética y Conducta, las leyes y principio éticos que nos rigen.



At Compartamos Banco, a great part of the efforts made to provide the proper tools to help our employees do a good job are focused on the sales force with its 10,874 employees, for which we earmark 90% of the annual training budget. We also provided 913 English courses benefiting 1,630 employees in 2012.


Employees in Guatemala receive tools to ensure their optimal performance through classroom and field training. A total of 388 employees were trained in 2012, with a Ps. 1.16 million investment.


A total of 89% of Financiera Crear employees work in sales, which is why we focus our training efforts and learning processes on client services, loan placements, assessments and recoveries.

Loan analyst courses were taught to 238 employees in 2012, while 66 staff members took the clients service representative courses for a total investment in training by Financiera Crear equal to 4.9 Ps. million.