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We offer services to 2,754,860 clients, 3.0% more than in 2012.

Our team consists of 19,339 employees, 16.5% more than in 2012

Our total loan portfolio amounted to just over 20,706 million pesos.

Our non-performing loans ratio was 3.12%.

Our interest income was 12,590 million pesos.

We have 577 branches attending our clients in the countries where we operate.

With 3,171 correspondents in 11 different states in Mexico and 16 issuers, including Compartamos Banco, Yastás handled 10.3 million transactions in 2013.

Aterna placed 9,174,927 insurance policies in Mexico, 54,536 in Guatemala, and 1,827,074 in Peru

We have figured on the benchmark index (the IPC) and the Sustainable Index of the Mexican Stock Exchange for six and three years in a row, respectively.

We have a total of 19,339 employees, 16.5% more than in 2012.

All of our companies together have created 2,738 new jobs.

100% of our employees are evaluated annually in terms of skills and 99.6% have received certification in the Ethics and Conduct Code of the company for which they work.

We invested 72.2 million pesos in workplace training and earmarked 8.0 million pesos into Human Training programs, both directed at 100% of our employees in Mexico and Peru.

In 2013, a total of 476 employees received training in Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru through our Serviazgo® Leadership Program.

Con nuestro Programa de Liderazgo formamos a 476 colaboradores durante 2013 en México, Guatemala y Perú, bajo el Modelo Integral de Serviazgo®.

48% of our employees are women.

We held 73 annual encounters in the three countries in which we operate to share and disseminate our Philosophy and Purpose.

In 2013 we offered 949,688 hours of training, or an average of 56 hours per employee.

Through the Improving My Finances Workshop, 1,907 hours of financial education were given to our employees in Mexico


We have six committees supporting our Board of Directors.

Two-thirds of the Committees of the Board of Directors are chaired by independent directors.

Half of our directors are independent, while women make up an eighth part of the Board.

The directors who make up the organizational structure of Gentera are not remunerated.

All of the operating companies of Gentera have an experienced board made up of both inside and independent directors