This is an abridged version of the annual report and sustainable 2012 to see the full version,
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Customer Care


We ran an internal corporate and external branch client services campaign in 2012 to promote our 11 Client Services Rules, since the best way to protect our clients is by providing them with the best service possible.

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his allows us to kTeep the basic principles of our clients’ protection and the Compartamos Banco services as top of mind among our promoters while also making clients aware of their rights.

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Compartamos Banco, Aterna, and Yastás, have similar reporting and tracking mechanisms to prevent fraud and money laundering, which apply to all employees, clients and company stakeholders. These means are established both in the Compartamos Banco Group Code of Ethics and Conduct and in each individual company’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Mechanisms range from mandatory employee training and certification courses to specific controls on credit operations focused on the analysis of client information and statistics. Meanwhile, Yastás uses a variety of broker and end user contacts, such as the toll free Contact Center users can reach by calling 01 800 220 0202 Monday through Sunday between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., which also serves as a bilateral communication management resource. Other institutional channels include the website, the Yastas Facebook account and the @red_yastas Twitter account. As an intermediary, Aterna has no contact with insured end users, but has personnel that are trained and available to all distribution channels to resolve their issues.


Guatemalan regulations and the Constitution establish that we must provide a book that can be seen and is accessible to all visitors in each one of our branches for clients to record their complaints.

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In Peru, we provide different channels to address client queries, suggestions and complaints and continually improve our processes and products. In 2012, only 5.46% of visits to the Financiera Crear website —one of our client service channels— were complaint while 91.59% were queries, which were served in a timely manner.

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